Friday, December 2, 2011

November 16, 2011 Board Notes

Sunday, November 6, 2011
PRESENT: Resident members: Erin Hickok, Michele Hallahan and Maya Smith Non-Resident members Patty Adams and Virgil Tripp ABSENT: Jim Hoadley
General discussion set out that the agenda would be described as: 1) set the intention 2) read minutes from prior meeting 3) discuss house updates 4) discuss house finances 5) discuss house legal topics 6) decide board positions 7) review this meeting
  1. Discussed was the desirability of relatively concise meetings to accommodate busy schedules. This meeting came in at 1.5 hours which was deemed fine.
  2. The reading of minutes from prior meeting was omitted at this time due to the volume. Maya will read them and make corrections and give feedback for revision as needed.
  3. Resident members concurred that things were going generally well. The house is full; overall and individual fulfillment seems fine.
  4. Board discussion of house finances was deferred until after receipt and review by the finance team of the appropriate documents prepared by Judy Henderson. Michele, Bobette and Dom comprise the finance team and they will meet independently before Christmas.
  5. Board discussion of house legal topics was deferred until after the legal team of Emma, Bobette and Dom meets independently before Christmas. Paralegal Shari Tripp (spouse of Virgil Tripp and long-time friend of Esther} offers to assist the legal team if desired.
  6. Board positions were filled after nomination and unanimous approval. PRESIDENT Erin Hickok;
VICE-PRESIDENT Jim Hoadley (elected in his absence and subject to his approval); SECRETARY Maya Smith; and TREASURER Judy Henderson (continuation of her position).
7) Some other topics during the meeting were discussed. Patty requested clarification of the various methods of communication re. Sunflower: 1) email 2) facebook page for members and another page for the general public/friends and followers 3) Sunflower blog spot. Also, there was recognition of the excellent work done on the upcoming new by-laws.
Dates were set for upcoming monthly Board meetings: December3, 2010 (2:30 PM); January 15, 2011 (6 PM); and February 12, 2011 (6 PM).
The special meeting of the House and Board is March 25, 2012 (time to be set). At this special meeting, it is hoped that the new by-laws will be voted on and accepted. It is also hoped that the method of disbursing resident and former resident investment dividends will be voted on and accepted. This is a show up and vote meeting. Be there.
Notice of special meeting, agenda, and copies of the proposed by-laws and proposed method of dividend disbursement will be made available to all residents and former residents by February 17, 2012. Due diligence in contacting these parties will be observed.

8) Meeting review was that the Board mix of old and new felt functional. There was round robin personal space. Meeting was adjourned by Erin.
Prepared by: Virgil Tripp